Workout Wednesday of the Day

Workout Wednesday is less about the workout and more about the bodies of girls who workout…and I am ok with that…so long as they aren’t fat…

Last week, they finally published a study that healthy and fit people were less likely to get sick and die of COVID…meaning that all the fat Americans, which has been a punchline for what must be 30 years by now…because 50% of 350 million people didn’t get morbidly obese overnight…that took years of the government and big business feeding you unhealthy shit..all those sugary treats to give you that dopamine hit before you found it in chronically masturbating your testosterone away….you see, they want you sick and they want you fat, they want you medicated, lazy, and complicit…and obesity is the way to do that….

I just don’t know why it took a year of COVID to say, you know “Being fat is actually bad for you”….I know you all believe in Body Positivity cuz Demi Lovato is triggered by FROYO stores having DIET options when WE SHOULDN’T DIET PEOPLE…but she’s a heroin addict (who smokes weed) that claims to be bi-polar so anything she says is by definition CRAZY…

So stop pretending fat is OK, it’s not, and start appreciating musculature on fit women, even when it is a little TOO fit…for it to be considered hetero…which probably won’t bother you since everyone’s queer now…or into trannies…you know probably cuz of that chronic masturbating thing…

Workout Wednesday of the Day April 21st, 2021