Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Titty drops are the best kind of drops…not that I know many other kinds of drops…I mean there’s dropping babies, which could be a better kind of drop assuming you’re the dad and you can get away with it after first hand knowledge that the dad life isn’t for you…”I dropped the baby into the well…it was an accident…can we call it SIDS?”…..then there are “music” drops…where the marketers who make too much money hype up a dumb song from a dumb overpaid pop singer….”ALBUM DROPS SOON”….there’s dropping your pants and pulling your pathetic penis out for hookers, strippers, or strangers…but that usually ends with shame….or a sex offender charge….you can drop it like it’s hot…but that doesn’t mean anything..it’s just a quote used in pop music as a slogan or expression for the basic idiots with no minds to use in their day to day conversation…there’s dropping egg…where girls egg hits their fallopian tube…you know ready to be inseminated…which is the lead in to dropping the baby….I guess you can drop a deuce..but I hate talking about shitting…so we’ll just pretend we don’t do that….dropping loads….but dropping is a little overhyping or inflating the pathetic dribble that if I am lucky I pretend is dropping loads…I guess your balls can drop when you’re a kid and for some people they never drop…and I don’t see how that’s any better than titty drops…so in conclusion big tits being used proper thanks to social pressure since everyone is a follower….makes for good drops…and here’s today’s round-up.

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day April 22nd, 2021