Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

Just the other day, I was talking to myself because I have no friends, probably on this website, when I did Asshole Behind Thongs about the scam that is the thong, a scam that targeted the granny panty and made it obsolete…as women shamed other women for not being on the trend of a skimpier panty-line-free option…that the manufacturers marketed at them hard…because they knew cost of materials were less but that with the right hype women would pay any price for them…all while replacing their entire panty collection of granny panties with THONGS…saving the Granny Panty for periods and chilling at home…what women will do for fashion…sex appeal…trends…idiots…because men don’t give a fuck about the panties you’re in, we’re trying to get in them anyway, soiled, oversized, shit stained and period filled our not, we will sniff them, rub our dicks on them with as much enthusiasm as if they were a thong..

Well these women are trying to reclaim the full back panty and I commend them and celebrate their bravery…

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day April 23rd, 2021