Sarah Silverman Fishnets of the Day

Sarah Silverman just doesn’t stop with the offensive comedy…I mean known for her shit and piss and dick suck jokes…and the fact that she used to fuck a fat Jimminy Kimmel…also pretty funny…but not as funny as realizing that dudes find her hot…because to me she was always a bit of a Donkey…at least in look and not in ass…but then I got free tickets to a comedy festival that no longer gives me free tickets despite being in the same city because I guess I don’t qualify as media or comedy….even though I view this entire site as one terrible joke but maybe that’s more a terrible joke on myself rather than a terrible joke on society….anyway…I took a friend to a free comedy show and he was mad that it wasn’t the Sarah Silverman show cuz he found her the hottest…this was a decade or more ago and I was like “ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY”…to which I realized, he’s just a married normal suburban dude and hot chicks mean different things to him….

I guess he was into her for the tits…but I’ve always been confused as to why she exists on TV while looking the way she does because Hollywood is SUPPOSED to be superficial..clearly they aren’t consistent in that messaging..

I don’t know why Sarah Silverman is doing butt shots in fishnets like an influencer, a joke I guess, making fun of an influencer, with her own influencer style shot…you know parody where you get to do the things other girls are doing and pretend you’re doing it as a joke instead of for attention….always funny to see….making fun of girls by immitating them and giving us the same results…which is seeing the old dump truck with her ass out in shorts….BRILLIANT…give her a TV show…this is REAL comedy…that’s why she gets paid the big bucks…and yes…I think she’s balding….HOT…I like my women like I like High School Principles….you know…with MALE PATTERN BALDNESS.


Sarah Silverman Fishnets of the Day April 27th, 2021