Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

It’s hard to not appreciate a girl who pulls her pants up into her vagina before leaving the house because it’s a trend…like cleavage or going braless before it…the pulling of tight pants into cunt intentionally to show people how fat and hungry your cunt can be…you know the let us know if they are the Ashley Graham, Roseanne Bar, Fat Chick on This is Us kind of pussy or not…and knowing is half the battle, or knowing what a pussy you’ll never fuck because it’s in line at the grocery store in front of you and is likely married and creeped out by you….is the important level of narcissism and exhibitionism we need….you know so self involved they don’t even care that some fucking slimy fuck like me can basically see her clit…because they just want everyone to see their clit…it’s fascinating and amazing….because I remember a time when you’d have to negotiate with girls to pull their bikinis, panties, pants into their vaginas, and it usually didn’t go over well when doing it on public transit, outside colleges, in bars and restuarants….even strippers would get mad…but here it is just being handed to us with no effort….what a world…seriously…how can you be mad when we live in a world where girls pull pants into their cunts for strangers they wouldn’t give the time of day to…but rather be grossed out by… to see their cunts…brilliant.

Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day April 28th, 2021