Medical Worker Monday of the Day

Here’s some healthcare heroes who I don’t think are actual heroes…and either does the healthcare industry because they aren’t paying these people anything more than they got paid before COVID, they are just doing their job, but now with social pressure to live up to a certain standard that the media has created for them, even when they are desk dwellers who happen to wear scrubs because they work the front desk at a dentist’s office….since SCRUBS are what define my slutty nurses posts but not all who wear scrubs are actual nurses…

ANYWAY…I saw some article saying that you shouldn’t call Healthcare workers heroes no matter how many events Hollywood creates for them…it’s causing them mental strain when they feel like they can’t commit to that title…or because they aren’t getting paid like heroes, some are getting pay cuts, I don’t know, I only read headlines…I don’t need the propaganda as to why it is damaging to call them heroes and through this pandemic I’ve never felt that they were heroes…if that’s the job you train for and do, that’s your fucking job and if you quit because you don’t like pandemics, then you’re a fucking pussy who was milking off the system thinking nursing would be an easy scam to get a solid pension….I’m onto you…

There are other nurses who are using the HERO title to subsidize their earnings as nurses by selling nudes to loser dudes just trying to do their part in supporting them because the parades, Super Bowl and other bullshit wasn’t enough…

So these are some preview pics of those heroes being heroes by not fearing bringing bacteria, fungus and other airborne illness home on their pussies…

Medical Worker Monday of the Day May 3rd, 2021