Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

If you’re going to drop something, it might as well be tits…and not soap….in the men’s locker room…before being raped by a gym bro…like it’s some team initiation or brotherhood you’re not really into…as you bleed out on the floor…..

I mean…what’s more to be said, right…that just about covers it…a girl with tits, pulling her shirt up slowly, to make her titties seemingly bounce as they fall from the sky thanks to gravity…much like the spacex ship returning to earth…or that astroid that we hope takes us all out…I mean everyone except me..I’m a fucking cockroach….

The titty drop..not a complex thing, but a way to get girls to gamify flashing and make it a fun thing to do…rather than a shameless thing to do..so other tits do it too…

BIG fan over here…and all tits of all sizes are welcome to be dropped…even if we’re not there to pick them up with our vaginas or mouths like that stripper who used to pick up her tips with her cunt…you know since we’re men…RIGHT.

Titty Drop Thursday of the Day May 6th, 2021