Rita Ora Towel Selfie of the Day

Rita Ora is out here in a towel showing off her tits….in what I figure is her documenting their sag..

You know when you see those weightloss timelapse on Youtube, where a fat fuck films himself on his exercise bike for 10 years…then edits it down to a 1 minute video from fat to six-pack….ONLY for the tits…

I guess it’s also like the timelapse videos parents used to do to take pics of their kid daily from birth until they are 18…so you can see their evolution…

Only in this case, it’s about a large amazing tit, slowly work it’s way into a large 40 year old tit….and if that’s hot to you, because you feel like you’ve been in with Rita Ora for the length of her celebrity, triggering an emotional response, a human connection even though she doesn’t give a fuck about you, but you don’t care…even you own mother doesn’t give a fuck about you….

We still don’t know what Rita Ora does beyond scamming a lucrative record deal that never materialized….and deciding to commit to just going to every hollyood even for 5 years until people decided she was famous…

She’s currently fucking Jojo The Rabbit while in Australia…because he’s not tuned off by someone who’s had a Kardashian dick inside them since celebrities like passing around each other’s sloppy seconds…despite there being a whole world of untouched hot pussy available…it’s a weird secret society….so insular that they all know what each other’s genitals taste like…some 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon’s cock….the most exciting game ever…one I should invent but don’t know how…connecting the dots on what celebs have fucked other celebs who have fucked other celebs…you know how that works…let’s make it.


Rita Ora Towel Selfie of the Day May 7th, 2021