Workout Wednesday of the Day

I will say that whether you are fit or not, you can benefit from working out and eating well, it’s just basic logic that if you fuel your body with shit, you’ll feel like shit, if you atrophy on the couch, you’ll also feel like shit…

I am not saying I am a fitness influencer, I am a fat fuck who is married to a fatter fuck, but even she knows that eating garbage and not moving is fucking terrible for her, but when you want to die…you do these things…

I will say that anyone who think calling a fat person disgusting is insensitive, or evil, or a bully…or a “FAT SHAMER”…you know marketing terms to divert from the point…which is that calling a fat fuck a fat fuck is actually helpful..if you let them know they are disgusting and there are options and ways to not be disgusting…maybe it’ll inspire them to get healthy…which is always a good thing…

If you just pretend that fat is beautiful, even though we all know it’s not, and not because of social constructs of beauty, but because it’s unhealthy fuck…as your sore knees help you waddle to the bathroom where you shit blood thanks to your hemorrhoids…you know there are micro bikinis in your size…and not just because all bikinis are micro bikinis at your size…but because they found NEW MARKET, NEW REVENUE….so the meida…LIES TO YOU…to SELL YOU..

The one thing you should know from this COVID shit is that being healthy, fit and ready for hand to hadn combat…is probably the way to take your life…the whole fat sloth who will die of COVID thanks to dying of Diabetes at the same time is not the way to take your life….

This isn’t about unrealistic body goals, you don’t need a six-pack, you just should be in a place where you can survive, run, defend yourself against evil and not be hooked on pharma to keep your fat ass alive…plus you’ll probably connect with yourself in doing fitness rather than connecting with strangers you’re too fat to fuck on the internet…

So here are some fit people…being fit….or claiming to be fit cuz these are workout, post workout, pre-wworkout nudes….FUN right…

Workout Wednesday of the Day May 12th, 2021