Jojo In a Titty Top of the Day

I don’t know why Jojo’s tits were never disclosed to us before a year or two ago when she decided that it was time to use them for good, or maybe it’d be considered evil, I am not sure whether shameless self promotion to generate hype around Rihanna’s Lingerie band and Jojo’s shitty music is good or evil, but when tits are involved, I just focus on the good, which is the tits….

I mean…this is her maskless which is nice to see, busting out of a titty top, which is also nice to see….becasue like you, I like tits, on child stars now in their 30s who you know have seen some shit, or on really anyone with tits worth looking at, but since I am inclusive when it comes to tits…WOKE in the titties…all tit lives matter…


Jojo In a Titty Top of the Day May 14th, 2021