Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Where to begin….

Do we discuss whether it’s transphobic to say to a tranny that “you look like a dude” even if they look like a dude…or point at her and say “look, that chick looks like a dude”…because just because your “TRUE SELF” which is an insane concept is one that cuts off its dick…doesn’t mean you don’t still look like a dude…

I saw that people are mad some state is banning TRANNY medical treatment or procedures to people under 18, which is totally reasonable, you know you’d probably want to have your teen talk to a specialist and really get to the core of who they are before making a decision as to whether to cut their dick off because their schools are telling them it’s normal…

I mean I was a pretty secure teen, just because I accepted my small dick, my abrasive personality, my lack of friends, my overall stench and repulsiveness, and understood why people didn’t like me…and I still do today….and I am ok with that…you don’t have to understand me, or anyone, it’s about going through life doing the things that make you happy…..right…but as a teen I barely knew what I liked to jerk off to…and never really thought “maybe it’s cuz I was born a woman in my soul”…and I think that was a simpler and better time….if you give these confused kids more confusing things…and for the most part the parents encourage it….it’s probably better to delay things like cutting off their dicks until they are adults…

But like the vaccine, people just jump on board without much thought….they don’t care it is experimental, or that there are terrible side effects, and that it may not be for them….or that maybe kids don’t die of COVID so getting them vaccinated is abusive as fuck…but no…they just get in line like a bunch of peasant fucks with no minds….fitting into social media trends, that are personal medical decisions, then trying to shame each other if they don’t follow the procedure they’ve decided with zero research, logic or analysis is best for them….it’s pretty mental…

I also saw a clip of Tucker Carlson where they read excerpts of books they are assigning to kids to read in school. They are banning To Kill a Mockingbird, about a white lawyer trying to save a black man from being convicted for being black in the 40s, you know a book we all read in high school…because it is deemed racist…but instead are giving them books about sex and parents read the sex scenes…that shit was gnarly….things like “Sometimes a girl just needs a big dick”….

It reminds me of when I almost got suspended when we had the option to do a book report on any book we chose and I chose one I found called “CALL ME BRICK”…you can google it, it is probably still a book…and from what I remember, and I don’t remember much…the girl was fucking her dad’s native friend and described his cock as his Totem Pole…point being, I did it as a troll, my teacher got mad, I got detention, and now they are making kids read romance novels…I was also 16 or something…the kids reading this smut now are probably 12….it’s fucking crazy out there…

But at least the CDC is consistent with their “if you’re vaccinated, you must quarantine and wear 2 masks, fucking in a mask, despite being vaccinated”….to “fully vaccinated people can live freely”….my theory on that is just to get the vaccinated to be more aggressive against the people who don’t believe in EXPERIMENTAL TREATMENTS THAT ARE NOT FDA APPROVED because we aren’t science experiments….and Doctors, Governments, Media, Big Pharma and Corporations have consistently LIED TO US…and have consistently viewed us as data points not HUMANS…so…it’s likely to get the vaccinated to rally against the unvaccinated…to enforce vaccine passports with the support of the masses…the hope is that you’re smart enough to realize that any medical procedure is a personal choice, can’t be forced, and that if someone doesn’t believe in vaccines that’s their right and if you do believe in vaccines, that’s your right, but to pin us against each other, is just them laughing at us….

Speaking of the vaccine, I was hoping more people would fall for the covid vaccine scam because I heard the whole UTERUSES are falling out….so I thought I’d be picking up uteruses on the side of the street to fuck…let me fuck the fallen uteruses of the world…but instead people are keeping their fallen uteruses and stuffing them back in….bitches. cockteasing bitches.

Here are some Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Bebe Rexha and Paris Hilton Together….


Nude Model Amelie Lou in Lingerie


Lindsey Vonn is a Bad Ass Biker Chick


Demi Lovato is a Naked Truther


Street Fighter Dubs For New DLC Fighters Make It An Internet Classic!


Tigers Fan Went Viral Catching Some Rays in the Stands


Bill Maher Tests Positive for COVID


Beyoncé’s Incredible Acoustic Live Performance!


Narrow Bridge Barely Fits The Truck!


“The Royal Tenenbaums” is heading our way!


Bridge Peels Off A Truck’s Top!


Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day May 14th, 2021