Milf Monday of the Day

For those of you who are still jerking off to Mother’s Day, here’s some self-proclaimed mothers who are trying to redefine what it means to be a mother, by getting naked on the internet, like they weren’t mothers, since everyone is a fucking porn addicted, chronic masturbating weirdo that they’ve decided to package as “Sexually Liberated”….I think the “woke” who aren’t woke at all call it “SEX POSITIVE”….which is like HIV positive but with less exciting end results…if you know what I mean…and if you don’t, don’t worry, if COVID was GAIN OF FUNCTION modified with the 3.4 million dollars of FUNDING from the USA, you’ll know HIV all too well because I heard that’s what they injected into the CORONAVIRUS to make it spread amongst humans faster….CONSPIRACIES…right…

Anyway, these moms are saying “Just cuz we’re moms, doesn’t mean we can’t get jerked off to, cuz that shit turns us on”….instead of being moms who spend their time trying to make their shitty kids better people in a shitty world that has a very BLEAK future…because the dopamine release from CUMMING and the excitement producing smut for people to jerk off to…is just way more satisfying than dealing with actual REAL LIFE things like MOM SHIT….

So now all these moms are out here being sex workers, which may be how they became moms in the first place, but I still like my idea of moms being the leaders that teach us, that we can rely on and not the prostitutes we have sex with in our minds…I mean I remember growing up, there were only 2-3 whore moms for all 6 grades and 350 students in my elementary school….one mom was a stripper, one a prostitute and one just a hot chick who wore leather pants…it was the 80s…but now that number is “ALL MOMS”….which makes it fun for dudes looking to get laid but unable to find someone desperate enough…right?

For the record, I am all for the Whore-ification of the people….I’ve seen it happen, it’s shocking, I prefer modest girls to make the whore girls more of the diamonds in the rough, cuz when everyone is a whore, it’s just so normalized….and thus boring, mainstream, like pop music…..nudes are the new pop music…but I’ll still stare and you should too…

Milf Monday of the Day May 17th, 2021