Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Tits are a weird fetish, but I guess in the confusing de-sexualizing of women when their actions are some of the most whorish examples of behavior I’ve seen in my life and I’ve actually had sex with whores…and paid them fairly…I mean depending on who you ask…because a 5 dollar Blowjob that comes stock with HPV or HSV should be FREE if you ask me….but other people will say it was taking advantage of an opportunity…because the outsider, the general public of the internet, I think they call themselves woke, have decided what’s RIGHT and what’s WRONG for you and the people you do your dealings with….even though they don’t actually know anything about you or the cirucmstances..but they know they are OUTRAGED…

Anyway, as someone who has known whores intimately, it’s been interesting to see a generation of girls decided that “Sex Work” is “real Work” because sex work is easy MONEY work, even if they think it is “hard money” cuz they have to get off their fucking asses and get naked on their webcam or in a selfie they’d take anyway cuz they are narcissists who like to look at themselves, so of course a business around that would be the dream business….vile fucking humans.

So these tits are milk filled thanks to the natural function of tits, but they are not to be sexualized when they are pulled out in public or on social media, but they are to be sexualized when they’re made into “erotica” to push sales to the fan sites….

It’s a confusing place because everyone is a vapid idiot who think they have substance and a soul, despite not having either of those things…

Here are some tits being MILKY….for the NATURE lovers out there…since this is WHAT tits were made for…this is what tits do.

Milky Boobs Monday of the Day May 17th, 2021