Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The funniest thing about this COVID shit, besides it being a manmade created in a lab funded by your overlord, biological warfare measure of controlling the world….is that they are starting to lose people’s fear of the virus because they are starting to realize the PCR testing is bullshit, the number of cases are bullshit, the number of deaths are bullshit, and sure it’s a real virus, but it doesn’t kill that many people, and if you were to get it and die, maybe it’s just your time….but instead they quarantine the healthy for the first time in history they can….

But yeah, the funniest thing about the COVID thing is seeing TEENAGERS get a vaccine that’s still experimental because they see influencers, ads, celebs, push this shit on them for a promise of a safer tomorrow…when they’re already SAFE….but now they’ve got experimental medicine in them and are taking selfies like it’s cool…you’re fucking nuts…

I used to think the Kardashians were vile pieces of shit because they would manipulate their audience to buy shit they don’t need….I would think it was consumerism at its worst and that influencers were the devil version of an AVON LADY because most people don’t let the AVON LADY get into their headds….I never understood their ability to push product and I’d think “Damn, these people are crazy to do what they are told”….what happened to the “If everyone jumps off the bridge, do you” old saying we grew up with, to which I always said “Only if the bridge is on fire and only if I’m jumping first cuz it’s my fucking idea”…..

But now I’m realizing that the training of manipulating the masses into pulling out their credit cards was perfect for young healthy people to pull out their arms and take experimental meds…you’d think there would be more resistance, more people saying “I don’t believe you liars”…but instead…everyone’s sold before even being sold because they are just trained to do what they are told.

Unfortunately…they aren’t trained to give me what I ask of them, instead they get all mad when I ask for handjobs….sluts.

Here are some stePLINKS in teh MORNING…

Rachel Bush is Still Too Sexy for TikTok


Kaia Gerber Talks Growing Up on Vogue…


Cat Wants to Play Fetch


Cynthia Gauthier Takes An Enormous Jump On The Monster Truck!


Solveig Mork Hansen Nude and Blue!


Canelo Alvarez Tied the Knot One Week After Crushing Billy Joe Saunders’ Orbital Socket


Possessed Concrete Buffer


Guy Solves Three Rubik’s Cubes While Juggling Them!


iCarly staff responds to racism aimed at some cast


Maria Kolkneva Showers with her Socks On!


Cam Sluts Bring the Pussy and It’s always a Good Time!


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day May 18th, 2021