Sara Sampario Highcut Swimsuit of the Day

I think it’s hilarious that Sara Sampaio is considered this hot, top paid, Portuguese Fisherman’s daughter bikini model, because she really isn’t that hot…from her average looking nerd face to her fluctuating weight body…you gotta ask who’s dick did she suck to get cast in the Victoria’s Secret empire’s Human Trafficking / Model ring….maybe as a fisherman’s daughter she understood swimwear better than the average..I don’t know…

I guess her looks don’t really matter as the Victoria’s Secret stamp of approval allows these girls to make millions regardless of their looks, people just believe the hype and want in on the hype, including rich guys they usually end up getting knocked up by….

So here she is somewhere luxurious posing in her swimsuit and the highlight of it for me is the bikini line…you know nothing like a thin pussy covering to make the rest of her boxy looking body irrelevant, but that’s just because I am into pussy and staring at the pussy area thanks to not being gay…despite being confused for gay because what straight guy would do a site cutting into hot, overrated, overpaid women who think they are more than just a set of tits and ass…when they are in fact just a set of tits and ass…that’s why we’re looking bro.


Sara Sampario Highcut Swimsuit of the Day May 18th, 2021