Kourtney Kardashian Trying to Be Hot of the Day

KOurtney Kardashian

It will always amaze me that anyone subscribes, follows, likes, listens to, is influenced by, finds excitement or inspiration in anything Kardashian….but they do…and that’s unfortunate…which is why I have consistently said that this family, although great marketers and manipulators, are fucking evil and everything they represent is fucking evil….but they give ugly girls hope that they can be hot too….just get filters and injections and photoshop artists on your team…

I’ve seen this whole Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker shit going on and I find it disturbing, but I figure Barker survived a plane crash and likely had a head injury, or maybe he’s the DISNEY pop chasing, clout chasing, overpaid pop-punk drummer who wants relevance and more money, knowing this family is key to that….but I always thought Josh Freese was the Disney drummer in the punk scene…because he was literally a Disney drummer….not to say Blink was ever punk, but I did see them in 1995 before the sold their souls to the industry the first time.

ANYWAY….she’s in a bikini and you can be very confident that this is photoshopped to fuck by her team in efforts to make the mom of 3-4 kids seem like a babe, when we know the entire family are hairy troll fucks with a budget….pushing shit you don’t need on people who don’t need it but that are trained sheep that they just can’t help listening…

I am still amazed that people subscribe to anything this family from the gates of hell does….and this bikini pic of a middle aged pile of shit isn’t convincing me otherwise…but you’ll like the tits..


Kourtney Kardashian Trying to Be Hot of the Day May 19th, 2021