Weed Wednesday of the Day

If everyone smoked more weed, the world would be a better place…

The fact that weed was ever illegal should be more concerning to anyone than whether it should be legal.

It’s a fucking plant bro….you grow it, it buds, you pick the buds and let them dry out, you smoke it, you feel good for a few minutes, you sleep better, you watch movies better, you may even have some creative breakthrough as it opens up synapsis in your brain….but thanks to PROPAGANDA…in a society that poisons themselves DAILY…from big pharma meds, to chemicals in the food, to alcohol and street drugs…the idea of a plant that can improve your life by multiple factors is some “EVIL” thing, when it’s just a threat to the existing big business around it…is crazy.

I hope you realize that getting stoned is barely a thing and that if you can’t get stoned legally where you’re at….it’s the evil rulers you pay taxes to that have taken that right from you…and now if they decide to give it to you…it’s just a bait and switch hustle to get you thinking your government is hip…when clearly…they aren’t…and clearly….it should have never been illegal in the first place..

That said, every subculture, even weed smoking, comes with influencers and models into the subsculture, trying to get ahead in the subculture, cuz it’s a billion dollar industry and they can’t all be top models or influencers…so you go for what you can get I guess.

So here are girls into weed being naked…

Weed Wednesday of the Day May 19th, 2021