Shay Mitchell Massive Cameltoe of the Day

Shay Mitchell is Canada’s Sweetheart, she even married some lame ass VJ from our version of MTV, what a hero….

She recently got knocked up, had a baby, and managed to bounce back looking pretty good, despite being pretty cheesy as a personality, if she looks good, she an be as lame as she wants to be as she tries to take on the world with her social media influencer work, her acting work, her publishing work, her personal brand and actual brand work…she hustles and has a huge following from being on a hit milk it like it was your mom tits…I get it…

What I don’t get, but that I appreciate in a huge way, is that got her shorts jacked up inside her mom pussy so hard, it’s gotta be a mom pussy….

I don’t know if this is just keeping ontop of the mainstream trends, where jacking bike shorts into your cunt is the trend, because I know girls are doing this on purpose and it’s picking up steam which is nutty….or if it’s just a matter of circumstance because she has a big pussy….but I know it’s amazing….I mean this is almost a comical level of cameltoe like the fat girls of tiktok do for a gaga…only it’s real deal cameltoe…

Why are women out there wanting you all to see how fat and hungry their cunts are, or how much their cunts can eat a pair of shorts…I just know it’s happening….and it’s weird…but I like it cuz pussy definition is fun..even when the pussy lips are huge…even better when the lips are huge….these lips are huge.


Shay Mitchell Massive Cameltoe of the Day May 20th, 2021