Jordyn Jones Getting Horny of the Day

Jordyn Jones is a child reality show star and not the kid in the reality show family who builds houses, you know a secondary character because she’s a kid…she was the focal point in her reality show about children who dance provocatively and that’s fucking weird on a lot of levels…but I guess it worked out ok for her since she’s selling pics of her in lingerie like a pervert who smells like used condoms and broken dreams, even though no one uses condoms anymore…they just take the load and hope the IUD does its job….because sex work is real work, not that lingerie pics sold through instagram are real sex work, but in this era of not paying to fuck, but paying for nudes, it is…

She looks inbred, white trash, but also hot dancer bodied and you know that girl, if life worked out how it was supposed to, would be the best lap dance in the full service stripclub, at least before getting AIDS and dying of an opiate related overdose…but instead girl’s stripping in a whole new way…and this is that.


Jordyn Jones Getting Horny of the Day May 24th, 2021