Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

I usually do the asshole behind thong post at the end of the day on thursdays, but instead I am doing it as my first post, which is pretty funny since it’s 2:30 pm, what kind of MEDIA empire is this…one that makes no fucking money…that’s the kind…so I’m not about to get up and GRIND or whatever the losers who pretend to “HUSTLE” on the internet say they do…while selling their nudes and building their personal brand…the fact I even bother updating the site is a fucking joke…I could be doing better things like travelling the world on my luxury yacht, or at least imagining that is what I am doing on some bender in a ditch…which is more my budget…BUT ENOUGH about me…despite how narcissitic having a blog is, I actually hate talking about myself…it’s obnoxious and not interesting…so HOW ARE YOU? Tell me your fellings, your likes, your wants, your dreams…or just look at ASSHOLE BEHIND thongs because thongs are ineffective at covering assholes, but thongs are also effective at showing assholes for those too shy to take pics of their assholes for the men who ask for the asshole pics cuz we know it’s the gateway to the internet…

I told a girl I called fat on this site years ago, the joke was great…”I’ve never heard of this bitch, like she’s never heard of a gym”….how that didn’t get me a book deal..I don’t know…just an example of the INJUSTICES around us….anyway, I deleted the post cuz she I asked me to, and I said that I play an asshole on the internet, but the truth is I am more into looking at pics of assholes on the internet…and I don’t think I’m nearly as big of an asshole as I should be…but some of these girls have assholes bigger than they should be…ENJOY.

Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day May 27th, 2021