Camila Cabello Bikini of the Day

It is interesting to see this body positivity shit give fat girls the confidence to put themselves out there in the dumpy weird bodied way…I mean, not that interesting, but you’d think a popstar who was packaged as the hot one in “One Direction” or whatever the fuck her shitty manufactured girl pop band was called…has been living in Miami from the paparazzi pics I see and don’t give a fuck about….clearly eating her way through the pandemic but people are all so fucking basic that the fact she’s in a bikini is enough for them, even though her vagina has been eaten by her thighs….the white bikini is supposed to be the bikini that lets me see cunt when wet…and bitches is hair is wet so SOMETHING is wrong here…maybe that’s why she’s trying to suck in her pussy lips…I just assumed it was in attempts to look thinner…

Point being…she is in a bikini, fat empowered, because why bother trying anymore everyone just gives you positive feedback cuz they scared to say “FAT FUCK UP IN HERE”…body shaming is amazing…try it…..not to mention girls have been body shaming my dick size since I realized I had a dick and it wasn’t just my change purse..


Camila Cabello Bikini of the Day June 1st, 2021