Charlotte Lawrence Topless of the Day

Do you think Charlotte Lawrence is a Vegan….

Or do you think “Who the fuck is Charlotte Lawrence”….

Cuz I know who Charlotte Lawrence is, but I still think “Who the fuck is Charlotte Lawrence and what fucking bullshit is she trying to acclimatize as she tries to build out a meaningful art career despite being born into the industry like a fucking zero edgy pussy”…..what’s she going to sing about…how will she inspire you….is she going to bring you uplifting thoughts…enlightenment…will she expand your mind…or will she just continue being a vapid rich kid who makes the most basic things and get way too much praise for it cuz they are a different species than us…the rich and the elite and what they say…is meaningless to us….so maybe STOP LISTENING….and keep staring cuz she looks good…and that’s all that matters in this era… maybe the real answer is stare at the 20 year old instead of expecting her to have the merits to justify the praise or the accomplishments, albeit barely accomplishments, but still more than the 0 accomplishments she’d have if her dad wasn’t some big producer and her mom the actor who sucked his dick….right…


Charlotte Lawrence Topless of the Day June 1st, 2021