Tallia Storm is a Scottish singing scam that was put together by her parents…or her mother who was an egotistical PR chick who knew how to do low level internet marketing…
That’s all it fucking takes, which is basically why everything on the internet is 90 percent perverted porn sleaze, even from the normals you’d never expect it from, like Disney Kids, or popstars….all shamelessly shopwing their true whore colors…
There was a time when they tried to pretend that Leo was a fag with Lucas Haas, there was a time when they pretended that these girls didn’t suck dick to get there, but now are sucking dick on social media despite being there…the gatekeepers are no more…the money is in putting it all out there…
Anyway….her mom, the publicist marketing person figured out how to get her daughter trending…it’s not that hard if you make the right moves or if you own the media…it’s the internet, it can be gamed…
But if a bitch is into showing her tits for no reason besides showing her tits…other than getting hits, likes and follows, I don’t care because I like tits…
I am not some holier than thou preacher who looks down on this shit, I’m a degenerate pervert who loves tits…I am not surprised but amazed by these girls are basically posting pics of their own tits for attention…normal girls…on public traded social media platforms…what world is this?