Lily Easton Pussy Print of the Day

Lily Easton’s some hot model who I am going to assume is from Australia, which means she likes to get drunk and fuck, all Australian girls do…

I creeped her instagram and it was barely exciting, but that’s just because I think all instagram feeds are boring since all these bitches are the fucking same, doing the exact same hustle, barely going off the plotted course which is pretty fucking uninspiring as they are all trying to cash grab…useless…

I’d say it was a waste of a hot bitch, but it’s not entirely a waste of a hot bitch, because they’ve all reduced themselves to posting half naked pics, which by definition is good enough, cuz we get to see them in half naked pics…it’s just not very inspiring since there’s not much more to it…I’m looking for more…

But I guess I’ll take the titties how they come, lower my expectations, and expect the bare minimum from all these attention seeking girls who are luckily hot enough to deserve the attention since they aren’t fat…even if this one’s sturdy…with those sturdy legs…her pussy definition is worth a look…



Lily Easton Pussy Print of the Day June 4th, 2021