Lea Michele Mom Tit of the Day

I wonder if we’re still pandering to Lea Michele’s lies and pretending that she was born female and that she actually shat out a baby out of her vagina and not her asshole…

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…Hailey Joel Osment…

You may not understand the reference and that’s ok, you are dumb, it’s not your fault, the internet, the media, action movies, hormones in the foods, vaccines, have made you this way…

But Hailey Joel Osment, Oscar Nominated child star…cast as the kid in all the block busters…from Forrest Gump to Sixth Sense…this motherfucker was everywhere…and then all of a sudden…he wasn’t…puberty hit….he lost the cute kid and became unhirable…they used HIM those bastards..

If only he had the vision Lea Michele’s parents had and transitioned before he started, then he could carry his hard face into adulthood, especailly with the advancements of face injections to turn uglies into Kardashians, which I still think are uglies, but that the instagram population think is a look…botox, injections, muppet faces for the clown world we are in….tit out or not…there’s a prostate on this monster..


Lea Michele Mom Tit of the Day June 8th, 2021