Gwyneth Paltrow Topless of the Day

Gwyneth Paltrow’s the fucking worst old timer attention seeker out there….always peddling her bullshit and for whatever reason, I assume satan, the media has made her their sweetheart, all while being absolutely uninteresting in her bullshit existence as a rich kid who had a stint as a shitty actress…

I don’t know anyone who was into Gwyneth Paltrow, even at her peak in her acting career, if anything people only got off to her when her head was cut off in Seven….you know the best Paltrow is the one who isn’t being shoved down our throat…

I don’t care if she makes pussy scented candles, probably not based on her herpes, menopause, fecal scents her pussy likely has….I don’t care that she pushes masturbation, people have been masturbating since we were teenagers, we don’t need Paltrow pushing vibrators to inspire us…women know all about shower heads, washing machines in spin cycle, the pool jets, basically anything and everything…massagers…you know vibrators existed before Paltrow…and we don’t need her as our old corpse hero to normalize that shit…we’re perverted enough without her.

I don’t know why she’s topless, maybe to divert from that old grey face, I just know that this body is boxy and should be covered up, it’s the decent thing to do…but her narcissism won’t let her…arm bras for everyone…and if you’re into this…you’re part of the problem..


Gwyneth Paltrow Topless of the Day June 9th, 2021