On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

Every week I say the same thing…

This is the VACCINE passport we all need….ON/OFFs from all the women of the world so we know how badly their clothing is lying to us about their goods, or how badly their clothing is distorting the truth about their goods, because some girls look better clothed and others look better naked, even though we prefer them all naked….

It’d be nice if someone would create the On/Off dating app, so that it makes fucking all the more easier, because the current hook-up culture just trying to live their best porno life isn’t easy enough….because I remember a time when you either paid for sex or had to muster up the courage to convince girls to go on a date with you…where you’d be a gentleman, even show up with flowers and lyrics to a poem you wrote…all after months of planning…only to not get laid cuz they could smell that girls don’t fuck you on your patheticness…and now it’s just “hey let’s fuck, ok”…

Anyway, I think On/Off passports would come in handy, be beneficial to society, like the unsolicited dick pics girls complain about, only dudes never complain about unsolicited nudes, in fact we love them….

Here’s this week in On/Off…

On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day June 11th, 2021