Bella Thorne Pussy Eater of the Day

Bella Thorne is a crowd favorite, even if she oftentimes looks like she smells like last week’s kitchen garbage mixed with dirty granny diapers in the dumpster outside the old folks home I’ve accidentally fallen asleep inside…when drunk, you don’t notice the smells that would otherwise make you miss out on the soft pillow-y comfort…which I guess applies to fucking homeless prositutes too…if smells would turn me off, I’d probably be a virgin…cuz I’m the kind of guy who only gets the girls no one else wants, cuz they smell…or have other ailments….not that this is about me…

This is about Bella Thorne continuing to bridge the gap between porn and mainstream, the Disney girl who is probably not in charge of her branding, but we’ll pretend that she is, I just feel like Disney would never allow something they created to venture off on its own to do smutty things, unless they were into it and wanted it…but that’s a whole other conversation because everyone’s a pervert, porn obsessed weridos, and her whole generation is into this extreme sexualizing and monetizing shit….

What I will say is that I’m into it…it’s dramatic, she is glammed up, implied naked….I like the romanticism, the intensity…but most importantly…I like the wetness on her mouth glimmering or shimmering in the light so we think she had her face squirted on, now that squirting is the only acceptable orgasm, as people who have watched too much porn realize that the female orgasm without a huge ejaculating pop shot, isn’t an orgasm worth filming…

Point being, this is simple content…complete with COKE in the background….but why bother going complicated when all we care to see is each other fuck…

Edgy…exciting…Bella Thorne Matters.


Bella Thorne Pussy Eater of the Day June 14th, 2021