Jade Chynoweth Braless of the Day

Jade Chynoweth’s got her Fringed Jacket on with nothing underneath, which should get all the cowboys out there pretty excited, because despite being a trained dancer living that LA life, being cast in shitty movies, and as back up dancers for shitty pop acts, she’s doing the whole “straight from the heartland” ready to kick some shit and ride into the sunset to find her herd….I mean not quite in those shoes and I don’t think those panties / bikini bottoms would really be a good protection against whatever kind of ticks her horse has, you know a direct line to the cunt…but it would make for good content…not that her being half naked in a fringed cowboy jacket in the woods is bad content, I just like a bit more action than dramatic poses…in fact…I fucking hate dramatic model poses for social media…you look like an asshole…no one stands like this unless they are posing…and posing in and of itself is trying too hard…yet, if she was to actually do a dance, or ride a horse, or teach us some lasso roping skills on a barrel in this outfit…there’d be a point beyond seeing some dancing tits you never heard of…

I just think this could have been better, but I’ll post what she’s got, cuz she’s in panty bottoms and showing tits…even though as a dancer…we’d probably prefer more ass…


Jade Chynoweth Braless of the Day June 14th, 2021