Medical Worker Monday of the Day

From my ignorant, uneducated perspective, I will say that COVID has taught me one important thing and that is that Medical Workers are full of shit idiots who think they know more than they do because doctors have these God Complexes, think they are brighter than most because they went to school longer than most, but that just means they are capable of memorizing at reciting what they’ve memorized….it doesn’t mean they are actually intelligent, no matter how much money they make doing it..

I have gone to doctors and none have the answers, they all tell you not to read WEBMD but WEBMD has better research than they do…so when you go in cuz you’re shitting yourself, they can’t actually think through what it is you have, they order tests or are just heavy handed on the prescription pad….since their whole existence and schooling is designed to write prescriptions with basically poison that everyone takes thinking it will fix them…

The only anti-biotics you should take is after pissing fire from some prostitute you didn’t use a condom with cuz condoms are for pussies….and even then, I’d suggest letting it run its course to see if your dick falls off like it’s a Weinstein…

The point is that the heroes they tell us are heroes aren’t actually heroes…not during COVID where they pretended to be scared to milk the attention they were getting and not before covid when they’ve let people die due to bad medical advice…it happens daily….cuz when you have people who think they are smarter than God….you have people making brazen decisions for idiots who just go along with it….

They say trust science, but I don’t… I don’t trust the legal drug dealers pushing science on us…especially when they live in mansions and own yachts because of it….

Remember the Opiate crisis, without shitty doctors, that’d never happen….

So when you look at these FRONT LINE heroes, remember that they may not be heroes, at least not before they chose to get naked on the internet, which may sound far more simplistic than saving lives, is actual hero work, because there was a time people weren’t self involved exhibitionist perverts and it may have been a happier time, but it was also a time I saw way less stranger pussy…and I am into stranger pussy…

Medical Worker Monday of the Day June 14th, 2021