Nina Agdal Got Them Titties On of the Day

Nina Agdal has been a pretty unimpressive model from my perspective, not for my standards, because I have no standards. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’ll stick my dick in anything and you don’t even have to dare me….assuming you can manage to find it…

Point being, I thought her fitness was alright, but her big facial features that made her look creepy as shit didn’t really outweigh that and I assumed she knew she had pulled off a scam and couldn’t believe her own hype…because there was a level of hype around her…I mean she did SI…just like Chrissy Teigen…probably at the same time as that pig bitch wallet fucker….

But I guess wallet fucking is one of the requirements the SI models have in their fucking application form, because it’s a launch pad for sugar babying on a higher fucking level, not a higher level of consciousness, nothing is promoting that now that they want us all dumb fucks….but on a higher level because it allows them to get fucked by athletes.

Anyway, overrated, believes her own hype, not that hot or not…she’s starting to grow on me, even though she’s in her mid 30s, because she does fitness and I hate fat chicks, so anyone promoting fitness to end fat chicks is a fucking hero.



Nina Agdal Got Them Titties On of the Day June 16th, 2021