Pia Mia Bolt Ons In Lingerie of the Day

Pia Mia Perez is some child star who I guess was never a child star, but she was from GUAM where I know strippers migrate to have that tropical south pacific ocean lifestyle, making stupid money from the horny sailors stationed there, by working the strip club and scamming them out of their weekly stipend.

Anyway, she would have done well back home getting fucked with her thailand looking tits, not in a race way, in a discount plastic surgery way….and instead her family moved her to the mainland, got her casting for god knows what got her famous, but she was famous…and instead of pursuing that she said “fuck it, I’ll sell nudes”…

These may or may not be her nudes she’s selling, but they are a tiny famous child star who barely was but was enough to be famous in lingerie busting out and it’s a friendly reminder that she exists…I mean I can’t think of a better “POKE”….if you know what I mean..and if you don’t…I don’t mean sexual poking…that’s some gay ass term for getting your dick wet…”I poked her”….I mean a fucking reminder like on Facebook in the early days when the CIA was first unrolling it to the masses…I guess “PING” would have been a better word…fuck it, lingerie, look.


Pia Mia Bolt Ons In Lingerie of the Day June 16th, 2021