Workout Wednesday of the Day

I find it annoying but also amazing that people are still pushing the vaccine, saying shit like “Stay Safe” or “Stay healthy” like a bunch of brain washed fucking idiots…who don’t even take care of themselves, workout or eat well…but instead just do what the government tells them…even though the government doesn’t give a fuck about people, they just see them as a TAXATION farm, which we are….when they take 50 percent of your money, charge you tax on everything you buy and on things like homes you own, only to use that money to spend it in insane ways, to line their evil corrupt pockets, or to finance gain of function research they pretended they didn’t fund…you should be even MORE turned off by them…especially when they are launching vaccine passports, turning the suckers against you because they followed orders as they’ve been trained to, when you’re just like “I’m not scared to die, people fucking die, and I’d rather get COVID than some vaccine and if I don’t survive it…that’s the circle of fucking life’….and what’s there really to live for…a bunch of nacissitic woke fucks being pandered to by corporations and some weird ass government…fucking kill me now…or let me wait out the fall of society so I can survive like the anti-hero I am…..fucking my way to survival..

Anyway, all these unhealthy fucks, telling you to stay healthy, while pushing their vaccines, or experimental medications, as a band aid solution instead of actually being healthy…is the theme of our era…

But some bitches still workout and these girls claim to workout….so this is their fitness..

Workout Wednesday of the Day June 16th, 2021