Evangeline Lilly Getting Racy of the Day

Evangeline Lilly is a Canadian 40 year old actress from some butthole town in Alberta Canada that she escaped to end up on Lost, married to Dominic Monaghan, whoever that is, probably another guy from Lost, you know cuz they got Lost together, and she’s probably had a far better life than the fat bitches who she went to High School with who work at the Tim Hortons and are saving for a Disney Vacation where they won’t fit on any ride, but at least they’ll be able to tweet about how Disney normalizes fat shaming, instead of stopping to eat their Tim Hortons…

I confuse Evangeline Lilly with some other bitch all the fucking time, not the one who was in the Sex Cult she got branded for, but some other bitch… but this is the one I reference when I see the other one…

I never watched Lost, the hype was enough for me to know it was shit, cuz whenever anything is TOO popular, you know it’s likely awful, since the general population is trash…

I don’t know what the fuck is going on with this “Sexy Dance”….It reminds me of Silence of the Lambs and I haven’t even seen that movie…this is some distorted 40 year old trying to figure out how to be hot and relevant, but at least she’s fit, even with her lesbian haircut…


Evangeline Lilly Getting Racy of the Day June 17th, 2021