Ashley Benson Titty Dress of the Day

Ashley Benson is really not that eventful of a celebrity. She got cast on some major show at the time instagram was first happening and all of a sudden…she fucking mattered and will continue to matter as long as social media exists cuz she’s got the followers and no one unfollows for whatever reason….it’s a great scam and probably why she hasn’t worked as an actor since that show…unless she has and I don’t know about it cuz I don’t give a fuck….I mean her lesbian relationship with Cara Delevigne was a pretty funny “role” she took on….that actually helped her get hotter, becasue before Delevingne, she was about 40 pounds fatter, sloppy and lazy looking, but now she’s got fit, still has her big tits and gets done up the way I like to see celebrities present themselves….If I wanted to watch some slob on the couch looking like she’s on her period despite being too old for her period, I’d just look at my wife….these celebs have a responsibility to be hot..that’s why they get paid…fuckers..


Ashley Benson Titty Dress of the Day June 18th, 2021