Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Hi, I’m drunkenstepfather and no one gives a shit about what I have to say…..I wish other people felt that people didn’t give a shit about what they had to say, and stayed of social media like me….save it for the BOTS…no one cares…

These people are the fucking worst, the self absorbed narcissists who label themselves “they” in a serious fucking way and that’s the least of the concerns…they are so blinded by their online personas that everything else about them is horrible too.

You know that in their spare time they all get together and have “intellectual banter” as they chat this boring de-colonialization woke bullshit that are all lies….that are oftentimes based on racist stereotypes or push racist ideas like “Black people can’t be into that, as a black person I know I felt like I couldn’t make it doing that, cuz black people aren’t like that, because of white people” bullshit…

The truth is you can be whatever the fuck you want to be…and if you think there’s some higher power in the way, you’re a pussy who doesn’t deserve what you want…you’re a victim and a blamer and you’re pushing your own racism on yourself as an excuse for who you are or what you are capable of….

The other day, I saw an asian cross dresser or trans dude say something like “I never met anyone who looked like me”….I repeat an asian tranny said he’s never met an asian tranny…when Thailand invented asian trannies…

Have you been to Southeast Asia bro? I have in the 90s and every second block was LADY BOYS looking for fuck….that looked just like you.

You’re not that unique or interesting….but the problem is no one calls them out for this blatant bullshit…I mean an asian tranny saying he’s never met anyone like him…is fucking insane…that is CRAZY talk and we pander to it..

Then I saw some story about two lesbians, who are basically men, taking on some extraordinary scientific feat, and not once did I think “oh they did that without men, how modern”…it didn’t even cross my mind…but by the second paragraph the media went into how this is the first time this kind of thing had no men present. I get the angle, but no one cares or thinks like that, unless they are idiots like the person who wrote the article making it about that…we are at a point in time where we know women can do what men do, without the help of men…they just aren’t as good. Right, the idea a woman was doing this solo wasn’t crazy so stop acting like it is media. You are the oppressive one

Here are some stepLINKS….

Miley Cyrus’ Floral Fantasy


IG Model Ashley Kolfage Reminds Everyone That Today is Friday


Alberte Valentine’s Fashion Nudes!


Pearl Gonzalez Shows Off Her Pre-Fight Body


Model in the Reflection


Jeffree Star is Selling His Massive California House he Just Bought


Here’s The Woman Who Voiced Lady Dimitrescu!


Crazy Fucking Spiderweb


The Outer Worlds 2 Trailer


People seem excited about this Young Scarlett Johansson oN COViD Clip


Husky Goes Crazy


Cam Sluts are HOT…


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day June 18th, 2021