Sarah Hyland’s Shorts Go Shopping of the Day

Double Kidney Transplant because these child star celebrities get a lot of organ transplants considering they are rich and famous and organ transplants seem like a dramatic medical procedure…maybe it’s something in their craft services food on set…or some reaction to the hormone therapy they get put on young to stay young to get paid longer…I don’t know but it’s weird….

I have always been creeped out by Sarah Hyland and her weird underdeveloped body, her genetic disorder that led to her Kidney Transplants has been pretty obvious to me even before we knew she had some disease…

So her whole sexualizing herself, posting slutty workouts, bikini pics, and talking about sex that she’s done on social media has turned me off in ways I don’t understand, you know curdled stomach like I ate old pizza out of the trash when drunk, which is impossible cuz I always eat all the pizza, but you know there have been moments of diving in the trash when drunk and looking for that old food I forgot I had….and eating it…..cuz I am drunk….not that it matters….

What matters is that, when her primordial dwarfism face is out of the frame and we can focus solely on her ass in the skimpy shorts these girls wear…she’s far more interesting to stare at….hence this post which is more about Sarah Hyland’s shorts, than Sarah Hyland, cuz the shorts are the real star here…they make an otherwise creepy star alright.

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Sarah Hyland’s Shorts Go Shopping of the Day June 18th, 2021