Sophie Mudd With The Tits of the Day

Sophie Mudd was a ridiculously huge boobed instagram girl who hasn’t really done anything revolutionary or compelling, but if you take a look at her skillset or at least her natural born talents, they don’t really require any real marketable skills…she doesn’t need to sing or act or dance…she just needs to not get a breast reduction….or one of those TRANNY ace bandage things the other TITTY haters use to suppress their tits as to fight the patriarchy and misogyny by becoming men on their driver’s license gender….you know such man haters they want to rewrite masculinity by surgically implanting plastic testicles in their re-jigged labia sac they get sewn together..

What I am saying is when you have tits like this, you have a duty to be the best host body you can be, we’re talking the best kind of parasite, cuz these big sloppies are comedicly big and that alone is worth of its own TV show..


Sophie Mudd With The Tits of the Day June 22nd, 2021