Rihanna’s Got her Nipples Out of the Day

I saw Rihanna was out there trending on twitter for not having her ID at a night club and the bouncer needed everyone to show their ID…in a Reese Witherspoon entitled celebrity moment of “Don’t you know who I am”….because when you’re rich and famous, the rules don’t apply to you, the world works for you…which should make you wonder what kinds of things celebs have got away with over the decades of celebrity….

I also saw that her nipples were showing through her dress, which to me, is a more important story….just not a more important story than how a 14 year old in Barbados got all the paperwork done to get a work visa in the USA for a pop career the local girls aren’t able to pull off…even those hotter and more talented than our girl RIRI…SUSPICIOUS….

To see more of her nips, cuz they are rich and famous, DO YOU KNOW WHO I am tits…. CLICK HERE

Rihanna’s Got her Nipples Out of the Day June 24th, 2021