Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

I can imagine coming to this site is pretty fucking repetitive, but can you imagine how repetitive it is for me, I mean you don’t need to come here all day everyday and think up some shit to say about a bunch of girls posing in full back panties, week after week, figuring out a new joke about Granny Panties and the oppression they experienced when the THONG moved in and replaced them….basically bullying the GRANNY PANTY into thinking it was inadequate as women turned their back on them even though they knew deep in their souls how much more comfy they were…but sex appeal and fitting in is not about comfort man it’s about doing what everyone else is doing…and there was really NEVER any point to transition to THONG…but is there ever really any point to transition to anything, we’re fine how we are….and I guess with this empowerment, fuck men, everyone’s a lesbian on her period at all times thing….more and more full back panties are being worn proudly enough for the selfie…

As a man, I like seeing all panties…clean or dirty, stained or new, thong or full back…I’ll look and you should too.

Full Back Panties Friday of the Day June 25th, 2021