Maddie Ziegler Short Dress of the Day

This isn’t all that shocking….but Maddie Ziegler was some child dancer on a child reality show that SIA took a liking to and put her in her creepy music videos that went real fucking viral…which took Maddie Ziegler to the next level of dancer…but was a child dancer which sounds more perverted than it probably is because you know the kind of dude who would watch a child dancer is not the kind of guy you want to invite to your kid’s birthday party…

But the second she turned 18 and I guess got control over her image, she turned into an influencer, doing the content influencers do, which is to be as hot as they can be, which is probably why instagram feels like the old back pages of local newspapers…only to this generation it’s normal and expected….and you should be happy for that, cuz this Maddie Zielger, 18 year old looking older than 18, in a short fucking dress for a selfie…is a pretty good look….from child dancer, to child music video vixen to whatever this is…


Maddie Ziegler Short Dress of the Day June 30th, 2021