Hot Model with a Dead Brother of the Day

There’s some story that they’re making a big deal about involving a 23 year old who died named Daniel Mickelson…..

They won’t say how he died, but it’s trending on twitter and other bullshit manipulative media platforms…because celebrities are sending their RIPs…..

I mean even I came across the story and I don’t give a fuck about any of this celeb gossip shit, so there’s no way the algorithm was reading my mind on this one…and it’s safe to say that they “WANT” us all to see it….and I can’t figure out why…

They call him an Actor, but he’s only been in a web series called “MANI” that I’ve never heard of and would never watch or pay attention to even if I had heard of it…you know “web series” screams dog shit that’s not for me….

I’ll just assume he’s a sacrifice to draw more attention to his hot sister, who is some instagram model with 2 million followers….I mean her name is Meredith….MERRY DEATH…..sounds like it was planned….I’m not conspiracy theorist…but I’m a conspiracy theorist…

Similar to how Amanda Kloots, a nobody fitness instructor married to a Broadway star Zach Braff cared about, because a TV host because her husband was the only “celeb” to die of COVID, in what we could assume was a sacrifice to draw more attention to the attention loving Kloots…

I typically assume all young deaths are vaccine related, or suicide related from the anti-depressants they are on, or opiate related from all the opiates they want us on….

I generally don’t care when people die, but after checking out his sister’s instagram, I figured, good excuse to post some hot scenester chick with a freshly dead brother who needs a shoulder to cry on….or at least who has tits you can jerk off to.

RIP motherfucker, the hot SISTER version….maybe this is my first RIP SISTERFUCKER….because with a sister like that, you’d be dumb not to incest her, I mean before dying…obviously…

She’s hot as shit, even with her IG face….so be sad for her loss if you have a soul, which I don’t.

Hot Model with a Dead Brother of the Day July 6th, 2021