Jenna Dewan Nude of the Day

I barely get any exclusive stories, but the one that I do have and have posted about 45 times because I don’t really have much to say about some back-up dancing slut that fucked some “a-list” actor well enough, thanks to her dance ability, into marriage, kinds and thus child support and spousal support, to carry her through life…you know sugar baby shit…even if she made good money as the back-up dancer, she didn’t make Magic Mike money until flipping that condom inside out, or pretending she was on Birth Control or had a Britney IUD in…you know what I mean….she’s low hanging fruit…

But I got an exclusive one night at a bar with a guy who claimed to be Channing’s agent or agent’s assistant who had to drop off scripts to the male stripper you know sucked or had his dick sucked by men to get where he got….

He told me, every time he showed up, both Channing and Jenna would be fully naked…and would consistently invite him in to get naked with them….weird right….

If anyone read this site, like Channing the gay for pay that played out nicely for him Jenna or Dewan…they’ll know who exactly who the guy is and maybe they’ll send him an angry text about it…which would be great because it was years ago….and since I don’t know them, or this random guy, causing drama in their lives would be funny…something I always appreciate being involved in because people forget that “this is just the internet” …who fucking cares if you’re naked, inviting agents to get naked in your house of perversion….especially when you post naked pics on social media…boxy backed bitch…


Jenna Dewan Nude of the Day June 22nd, 2022