January Jones Titty Tape of the Day

I am a firm believer than January Jones is a low level celebrity who really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of the celebrity experience, because I never saw Mad Men, so I don’t even know she exists…

The single mother, who we assume had the kid knowing she was near menopause or unable to get another abortion, and felt it was a great opportunity to get a payout or monthly payout off the record because the sperm donor was in fact married, or just didn’t want to be known, despite having to pay for his actions financially….

But yeah, the single mother has been posting slutty enough content for an old lady who figured out how to take nude selfies or bikini selfies through sexting and is just so excited she brings it to the social media feed….has done something good…

She’s reminded us that she’s got decently sized tits, the kind of tits that will get you to casting calls, and figures she might as well show them on the social media feed, since it generates some buzz, reminds people who she is, maybe even gets her some brand deals to help subsidize her expensive celebrity life…you can never have too much money….

So she’s posted this selfie, we’ll call it a post shit selfie, of her tits taped up, in some kind of fetish, or nipple hair removal procedure that the world needs to see because celebrities love being stared at…their lives are only at their best when they feel like they are in an aquarium with a line-up of masturbating nerds looking on….

This clickbait is hilarious, trashy even, maybe pathetic on a level to feel the need to post to the world, instead of just to close friends, but we’ll take the eager attention seekers, even if there are so many of them….


January Jones Titty Tape of the Day July 12th, 2021