Jojo Ass of the Day

I guess Jojo’s feeling the need for a little attention, you know those likes and follows are addictive in this mindless world of instant gratification dopamine release…keep the world dumb as shit and only inspire them through staged pics of your body instead of spreading any other information, knowledge, wealth, benefit…just an ass in the thong is all you need to keep yourself relevant, even when you were a huge star about a decade ago and still have fans based on that….you need to reduce yourself to a low level sex worker recruiting subscribers in the same way…which is obviously a great message to tell young girls…don’t worry about talent, access, skill…just take ass selfies on days your ass feels round enough…in outfits that make your ass look its best…since we’re just mindless HOST bodies for our genitals…

It’s pretty fucking crazy, but I am torn, since I like staring at the asses, it’s just so much of it, all fucking day, it was never like this and now it’s TOO much like this to make it cheap, flimsy and barely exciting….

Get it together feminists, get empowered for doing things beyond posting pics of your assholes on the internet and lazily pretending it’s activism moving society forward…TITS GET HITS we know…so does ass…doesn’t mean it’s valuable or positive or important…it just means we’re fucking perverts into looking…

This is the dumbing down in motion….ALL these people are doing it….and we get to watch, so I guess it’s better than not seeing her ass in a thong..


Jojo Ass of the Day July 15th, 2021