Bar Refaeli Wet Bikini of the Day

I typically don’t give a fuck about old Jewish ladies, unless they work at the deli I get my cheese blintzes and latkes at, because those Yentas know how to cream cheese a bagel…but Bar Refaeli has been on some mission I call “probably getting divorced”…or maybe “her husband cheated on her with his assistant”…because she’s trying to remind you that she’s a hot, fit, mom of 3 who can still be a whore in a bikini for social media to get those likes. They are a currency when you’re already rich from Tax evasion and marriage.

She’s looking good, which is typically not something I like to admit when seeing an old weathered bitc pulling her bikini up into herself….we call it simulating reverse birth with bikini bottoms not actual fetus…

Plus Leo Dicaprio used her as a beard, pretended to have sex with her, and he’s an A-Lister so she MUST BE IMPORTANT.


Bar Refaeli Wet Bikini of the Day July 16th, 2021