Eva Amurri Hard Nipples of the Day

I think I may have a crush on Eva Amurri, not in a schoolyard way, but in a I’d cum in her ass and make her fart it out on my wife’s face kind of way, you know a more romantic crush…a more mature crush thanks to all the brainwashing that porn has done to all of us…where we forget that connecting with a woman is more than just sticking it in, that’s just the perk…

She’s Susan Sarandon’s daughter with amazing big tits, she was an actress for 5 minutes where she showed her tits which was when I really saw potential in her, and 3 kids and one divorce later, she’s figured out that being a whore on instagram is as fun an less time consuming than actual work, since there’s trust funds, child support, and alimony coming in…you know just show off that body, get the likes, remember you still got it..that’s all that’s needed.

In this series, she’s got amazing tits, a white see through bathing suit, those are nipples, and her body is skinny and tight…she’s even thrown in a crotch shot, this girl knows what’s up…which is why I may be in love with her….you know I am a trained stepfather ready for new moms to ruin their lives…plus if the stars do align with this ROMANCE, I could ask my mother in law to sign my tits at every family function…


Eva Amurri Hard Nipples of the Day July 16th, 2021