The Ratio Tuesday of the Day

I am well aware that Science has let everyone down, that math is racist so that people aren’t taught math so they can’t analyze numbers and are forced to believe what they are told, no matter how corrupt it is…

I am well aware that big pharma has basically destroyed the medical industry by paying for the med schools, by paying off the doctors, by bribing people to basically push their fucking agenda….even when there’s countless health and wellness mechanisms people can take to survive and even thrive…medication is actually fucking poison…but GIVE IT TO EVERYONE….

I am personally against all pharmaceuticals and the medical industry for a few reasons, mainly being prescribed anti-depressants 2-3 times over the last 25 years without even having some crazy episode where they caught me rubbing my feces on parked cars…they prescribed that shit for NO reason and I was like “You want me on uppers during the day and downers at night”…that’s fucking crazy….that’s where I lost my trust, but there’s countless stories of people I know dying because the medical industry doesn’t give a fuck about saving people…they just want everyone on pills…daily…to survive….that’s why they feed us fast food and junk food with no value or health benefits instead of real food…they have been poisoning us….

So in not believing the science, or what they tell us is science, since it is all corruption and lies, I still believe this study….THE RATIO….

Which is that girls with a thinner waist and bigger hips is more attractive to men probably at an animalistic level that you’ve lost touch with as you’ve become a CUCK for a man, instead of a man fighting for survival….

But you’re coded to be more attracted to hips, it is what makes women womanly…you know…so get these girls with RATIOS before they turn all people into hybrid genders and we lose that WOMAN form….

I support THE SCIENCE when it isn’t lying to me or when it makes actual sense….

The RATIO makes actual sense…and it’s why girls are photoshopping themselves to have the ratio, or why the Kardashians get their ribs removed to seemingly have ratio, cuz they don’t have much else, besides a ton of fucking money…

Here are girls showing off the RATIO.

The Ratio Tuesday of the Day July 20th, 2021