Fishnet Friday of the Day

I am pretty repetitive about Fishnets because I figure if you’re even here reading this, you’re here for the fishnets, not for my bullshit commentary that is meaningless noise that is hardly funny, interesting, inspiring, or compelling…it’s drivel…maybe what you’d call irrelevant…not irreverent….irrelevant…my opinion, like so many other people’s opinions don’t matter…

But yeah, the fishnet angle is this….fishnets, one of the most accessible lingerie items available at all drug stores, is probably the only lingerie a basic person has ever had any access too, in part because they are in every drug store and they like how they feel against their cross dressing balls….if you shave your leg well enough, you can pretend it’s not your own leg you’re jerking off to.

So the angle is that since everything is being cancelled because of the patriarchy, or at least it was being cancelled because of the patriarchy, it has now evolved into misinformation, racism and climate change, but for a while it was about the patriarchy….

So the angle was, patriarchy is bad, it controls everything, even the lingerie these women wear and support is named after a tool used to entrap fish from their free roaming or swimming upstream…and those same nets are polluting the ocean…killing marine life…getting caught up on turtles…it’s just an all around EVIL way to get your OMEGAS…when you should just be eating made in lab fake shit….

Why aren’t women protesting this oppressive symbolism of their lingerie…because they think they look hot…

So oppression is good, if they look hot, bad if it gets in the way of them looking hot…GOT IT….

Fishnet Friday of the Day July 23rd, 2021