Lucy Hale Lipstick and Titties of the Day

Here’s Lucy Hale doing her best Silence of the Lambs lipstick application for the internet…because apparently girls like watching other girls apply make-up, maybe to learn the tricks, but I like to think its probably not girls watching the girls apply lipstick, it’s perverts like us imagining the lipstick was our dicks, since it’s about the same size…relatable..

Anything that involves mouths can be seen as erotic, but Lucy Hale, one of the most boring bitches on the internet, even if she’s the CW’s sweetheart who has been in at least 3 of their hit shows, and has millions of social media followers thanks to being on the hottest show at the time instagram went viral…but at least she’s in a lingerie looking top…suer it’s got the same look as a mom’s nightgown in the 70s or 80s…which is probably the sexual energy she gives off….but it’s still famous tits…that if you look close enough at…you’ll see TANLINES…and it is TANLINE thursday….EXCITING!


Lucy Hale Lipstick and Titties of the Day July 29th, 2021